Things you might want to know about AddtiX "ST" and AddtiX "IM" ...


Q: What is AddtiX ?

A: AddtiX is a cement additive to be used for the soil stabilization and ground improvement (AddtiX ST) as well as the immobilization of hazardous pollutants in the ground (AddtiX IM).


Q: Is the  technology something completely new?

A: AddtiX enhances soil stabilization with cement and the immobilization of hazardous pollutants in the ground. Both procedures in combination with cement are  recognized techniques, which are significantly improved by the additional use of AddtiX.


Q: What is  AddtiX 's aggregation state?

A:  AddtiX is a grayish powder, pretty similar grinded like cement.


Q: Is  AddtiX new on the market?

A: No, AddtiX and its predecessor products have been on the market for almost twenty years now. Numerous projects around the world have already been realized using AddtiX and its predecessor products.


Q: What is the dosage of AddtiX ST?

A:It is always 98% cement (portland cement, > 90% clinker ratio) plus 2%  AddtiX ST.


Q: How much AddtiX-cement mixture is required for my project?

A: It depends and has to be determined through laboratory tests. The soil of your construction site has to be analyzed and the ideal amount of binding agent AddtiX-cement mixture) has to be determined through suitability tests. It is the same procedure like it is in case of a soil stabilization with cement only or with lime only.


Q: How much AddtiX ST do I roughly need for one squaremeter of surface (35cm soil stabilization per squaremeter)?

A: As a rough guideline: 1 kilogram per square meter.


Q: Do I need special equipment for the application of AddtiX ?

A: The standard equipment for soil stabilization with cement or lime is required, which amongst others is a spreading unit and a rotary tiller.


Q: What is the advantage over conventional gravel layers?

A: Gravel layers require the removal of the existing soil, waste disposal according to the latest environmental regulations and the purchase of filling material. For the AddtiX-cement stabilization (AddtiX ST) and the immobilization of hazardous pollutants (AddtiX IM) you will only need cement and whilst there is no need for any excavation.


Q: What is the advantage over a soil stabilization with cement only?

A: By using AddtiX you can reduce the total amount of cement compared to stabilization with cement only, whilst the strength remains the same. Furthermore AddtiX layers are more durable, waterproof, salt and acid resistant and thus require less maintenance during their lifetime than layers made from cement only.


Q: Is there any other additional advantage?

A: Yes, in fact there is another huge advantage: the use of AddtiX reduces the risks of shrinkage cracks, which leads to a longer lifetime. No additional shrinkage reducing admixtures are necessary. Furthermore, AddtiX permanently immobilizes environmentally hazardous pollutants in the ground.


Q: How is AddtiX's performance compared to competing products?

A: Both products AddtiX ST and AddtiX IM have been tested by different independent laboratories and projects in comparative tests with competing products and our AddtiX products have come out on top of all tests. Furthermore, our AddtiX products are less expensive than the tested competing products.



Q: In which countries can  AddtiX be purchased?

A:  AddtiX is available all over the world. Please have a close look on our website under        “Worldwide Delivery and Worldwide References”.


Q: Are there local dealers in my country?

A: Yes, in many countries there are licensed AddtiX distribution partners. In case you are living in a country without distribution partner you are welcome to place your order directly with WEISE & PARTNERS as the manufacturer.


Q: I was offered the  AddtiX product - how can I be sure it is the original product?

A:  AddtiX is only being sold under Weise & Partners or one of our worldwide licensed distribution partners. Otherwise it is pretty likely that someone might have offered you a fake product using our renowned brand AddtiX.


Q: Is  AddtiX being sold together with cement?

A: No, it would be too expensive to ship cement. You will have to purchase the cement separately at your place.


Q: Where are the AddtiX products produced?

A:  Both AddtiX products have been developed in Germany. In order to speed up the delivery process to our customers we produce our product on various locations under German engineering standards in selected countries all over the world.


Q: Why are the AddtiX products not produced in Germany?

A: Most of the substances or raw materials used in the sophisticated mixture of our AddtiX products are unfortunately not found among the mineral recourses within Germany. In order to avoid long transport times from various countries and the risk of different quality each time the raw materials are bought we decided to have our production close to the places where most of the ingredients are available. This has an additional positive effect on the protection of the environment besides less costs for our customers.


Q: Who is Weise & Partners working with?

A: Weise & Partners works with larger wholesale partners who are able to distribute our products on their local or regional markets. We also work directly with construction companies who either focus on the stabilization of roads etc. or the immobilization of hazardous pollutants in the ground.



Q: Who are the worldwide partners of Weise + Partners?

A: Weise + Partners as the producer of AddtiX ST and AddtiX IM cooperate with big wholesale companies and large construction companies worldwide.


Q: How can I become a partner of Weise + Partners?

A: First of all it is necessary to fill out the contact form completely with all your company details. After evaluation we will get in contact with you and ask for more specific details in order to find the best and fastest solution for you to get use of our products.


Q: Does Weise + Partners offer engineering services for their worldwide partners?

A: Weise + Partners are concentrating on the improvement and production of cement additives only. Our qualified partners are able to use our products by their own expertise and engineering experience.


Q: How is a new partner able to evaluate the quality of both AddtiX product lines?

A: If a new company has qualified from its size as partner we will provide testing material so the new partner is able to make his own comparison with similar products or he can apply for the certification within his own country.


Q: In which quantities can AddtiX be ordered?

A: The minimum quantity is one 20 foot container with 20 tons or one 40 foot container with 25 tons.


Q: In which sack size can the product be ordered?

A: AddtiX can be ordered in 25kg and 50 kg sacks or even big bags with one ton each.


Q: How long does it take to get my order delivered?

A: You can check on our website under “Worldwide Delivery” how long a shipment will approximately take to reach the different destinations. It will take about another 2 weeks from your purchase until the vessel will leave the harbor.


Q: What are the terms of payment?

A: Weise + Partners accept 50% prepayment and 50% payment 30 days after arrival of the container at the destination port. LC agreement with a well known local bank is possible as well.


Whether you’re looking for answers, would like to solve a problem, or just want to let us know how we did, you’ll find many ways to contact us right here.

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